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Rescue & Process
A “rescue” is any Irish Terrier in need of a home. The purpose of rescue is to save the dog.
In order to accomplish the rescue of Irish Terriers the Rescue Committee has been set up with five (5) members appointed by the ITCA Board at the Annual Meeting. These members are regional in nature with one person from each the Northeast, South, Mid-West, Mountain and West. The 5 members will then elect the Chairperson and Reporting person. With the Chair as central leader the responsibilities concerning rescue descend from the Chair to the regional members, regional clubs and club members throughout the country. All Club members should consider themselves to be a part of the Rescue Committee. In any rescue, people working to rescue an animal will report directly to the Chair. There may be rescuers and foster helpers involved in a rescue. The rescuers will work to rescue the dog and evaluate it. The foster people may give the rescue a place to recover. A core of regional members has evolved through previous experience in rescue. These people are notified when a rescue is located and are updated as to details as the Rescue proceeds.
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The Process
Learning of a dog in need. Anyone hearing of an Irish in a rescue situation should immediately contact the Chair. The Chair will in turn notify the Rescue Committee person locally to head up the details of rescue.
There are several forms used in rescue. There is an Adoption Form, a Sign Off Form, a Dog History Form, and a Hold Harmless Form. When obtaining the dog the person responsible for the dog should be asked to complete the Dog History Form and Sign Off the dog to ITCA rescue. Upon transfer, the dog will need a place to go to be evaluated and cared for until it is ready to be placed.
If a dog is in a pound or shelter the rescuer will deal with the shelter or pound to get the dog and should try to find out as much as possible about the dog. We must follow the established policies of these agencies as well as we can. If the dog is coming from an owner, the Dog History Form and the Sign Off Forms should be completed. All forms and papers go to the Chair. No papers ever go with the dog to the adoption home. The dog can be kept briefly by the representative, or kenneled locally, or shipped to the Chair. Shipment should be the last recourse.
Evaluation of the dog is a must in order to determine the dog’s needs. The breeder should be advised that one of their dogs is in rescue. If the breeder accepts responsibility for the dog, it is no longer a rescue. If the breeder can’t help, the rescue process continues. If the dog is in good health that is a plus. In general the dog’s needs to be checked for heartworm, immunizations, general health, and attitude. Normally a rescue will need a few weeks in a neutral environment to regroup. Any problems should be brought to the attention of the Chair and addressed. Expenses that are to be approved of first are those for care of the dog and medical treatment. When in question a consultation with the President may be needed. All proof of expense needs to be sent to the Chair for recording and will in turn be forwarded to the Treasurer for reimbursement. Make a note of any expense not claimed so that the party can be acknowledged for their donation.
There are several helpers whom we can call on in special health and temperament cases. A number of our more experienced breeders can also be tremendous contributors to the effort. It is difficult to evaluate a street dog or pound dog, and for this reason these dogs should go not to homes with children or animals but to homes with people experienced in the breed.
When the dog is ready and evaluation is completed, the details of the dog are sent to the official Irish Terrier Club of America web-site. The Breeder Referral Chair is informed of the rescue and asked to seek good prospects. The entire rescue team has been advised previously of this dog and is now ready to help place it.
Any calls concerning the dog should go to the rescue Chair, or the local member responsible for the dog. Good candidates for the rescue dog will be sent the Adoption Form. After talking with people who have knowledge of the dog and checking the merits of the prospective candidates, the best match for the dog will be notified. In general, we request a donation to rescue of $200 plus expenses incurred on behalf of the dog.
There are several guidelines for selecting a home in which to place the dog. The new people should have:
A yard with a fence that’s at least five (preferably six) feet high
No other animals if there is no prior experience with animals
No small children if there is no prior experience with terriers
No inclination toward making the rescue a “yard dog”
Exceptions to this policy will be considered. Anyone seeking a rescue should go through the regular placement procedure. Foster people, their special friends, and committee personnel are not exempt from the requirements. When the dog is transferred to the new home, the Hold Harmless Form should be obtained and sent with all other papers on the dog, including expenses, to the rescue Chair.
Follow-up calls/visits will be made as needed to aid in the adjustment of the dog to the new home.
No volunteer should receive any compensation from the placement of a rescue dog, nor should the person releasing the dog to the rescue program receive any compensation.
The ITCA Rescue Fund is supported by the members and is supplemented by donations from rescuers. Additional fundraising events can be utilized with the approval of the Board should the need occur.
Any situation concerning a commercial breeder or pet store puppy should be brought to the attention of the Chair. No one should take any independent steps in this regard. All of these rescues are handled on an individual level.
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