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Links to Documents from Membership Mailing:

ITCA Recommended By-Law Changes
Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why did ITCA need a legal identity with state affiliation?
    In order to amend the bylaws, ITCA must affirm its bylaws comply with the laws of its home state. ITCA researched records going back to its 1897 formation without finding Articles of Association or any legal statements of state affiliation. ITCA sought legal counsel and selected Pennsylvania, which is both a state where ITCA conducts its business and a state having laws favorable to unincorporated not-for-profit associations.
  • Why did ITCA add the option to conduct meetings and voting electronically?
    During the pandemic, our existing bylaws required ITCA to conduct its business by mail and/or in person. In order to ensure the ability to continue conducting the Club’s business in a changing environment, the bylaws were updated to have the option of conducting meetings electronically, and to vote electronically. This ensures the ability to elect officers and continue to conduct the Club’s business when meeting in person is not recommended. In addition, voting electronically (for those that agree) will substantially reduce the costs associated with those mailings. Mailings such as the Judges Selection run approximately $700/mailing. The Club will always accommodate those who do not have the ability, or do not wish to vote electronically.
  • Why did ITCA update its notice provisions?
    Existing notice provisions were primarily limited to USPS mail, registered or otherwise. The ITCA did not want to be limited to mail, and wishes to include other types of recordable delivery methods as well as to formalize certain notices and information provided in our Newsletter.
  • Why did ITCA increase the Maximum Membership Dues Amounts?
    The ITCA wanted to ensure that the revised bylaws would be current long into the future. For example, the dues for current Full Membership are $35 (individual) and the proposed maximum not-to-exceed dues for a full membership is $100. This is only a ceiling for the future. Dues may never be increased without an approval of two-thirds of the membership at the Annual Meeting.
  • Why did ITCA add an Associate Membership?
    It was important to create a non-voting level of membership. In order to conduct business at the Annual Meeting, a quorum of 10% of the voting members must be present. This is most problematic when elections are conducted. The Annual Meeting is called to order briefly at 4pm on its designated date to appoint election officials so they can begin the ballot count. This provides sufficient time to count votes so that the elected slate can be announced at the Annual Meeting reconvened at 6pm. In many instances the officers and board members have had to knock on doors and make calls to gather a quorum present. In past years we have been as close as 2 persons over the required minimum. In addition, only one-third of our total membership use their voting privileges, but they are still included in the quorum makeup. The Associate Membership is a non-voting membership for those who do not intend to vote and provides a modest reduction in dues in recognition. The Associate Membership allows members to compete for annual conformation and performance awards, championship medallions, and of course to have access to the Newsletter and all other benefits of the Club.
  • Why did ITCA make the Associate Membership mandatory for initial membership applications beginning in 2024?
    The Associate Membership acknowledges varied interests in belonging to the ITCA. This non-voting membership has all the benefits of full membership – including access to the website, mentoring, education, newsletters and other information offerings – and has lower annual dues. It recognizes not all members feel sufficiently interested or informed to vote on conformation judge choices for annual specialties or to attend the Club’s annual meeting in Pennsylvania. Many current members simply choose not to vote but own Irish Terriers and enjoy access to all the other benefits of membership. Additionally, the 1-year hiatus before applying for full membership allows time for new members to get to know the Club and its membership and to form opinions on voting matters based on their experience the first year. After that introductory period, some may prefer to stay at the Associate level.
  • What limitations does an associate member have in addition to not voting?
    There is a policy in process of finalization that will clarify associate members may serve on committees but not as a chair. In addition, associate members would not be able to sign petitions or put forth nominations for elected positions. Election officials at the Annual Meeting may be chosen from the members in good standing. The new bylaws allow for electronic voting by independent third parties certifying the outcome. The Board in other situations may determine the process.
  • Who will count the ballots?
    The ballots are returned to the Corresponding Secretary and will be counted and verified by Susan Bednar, Jan Moller and Mary Best.
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